Memorial Gifts

Undergraduate Scholarship Fund donations can be made in memory or in honor of family or friends. Here is a list of those remembered by our generous donors.

Richard B. Adler
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Nancy Jane Alusow
Lincoln Laboratory

"A very dedicated member of the MIT Community"
“Wonderful Co-Chair of the Association of MIT Retirees”

James C. Anderson
Lincoln Laboratory
Ali S. Argon
Mechanical Engineering
Dean Avery Ashdown
Jack Barry

Honored Team Coach

Arline Benford
Chemical Engineering

Murphy Award Winner

Robert S. Berg
Lincoln Laboratory
Carol Ann Hennessy Berlan
MIT Family Member
James Blasi
Lincoln Laboratory
Electro-Optical Materials and Devices Group
Betty Jo Bolivar
Community Services Office

"A dear friend"

Dorothy L. Bowe
Materials Science and Engineering

Associate Director, Financial Aid, Co-founder of the Association of MIT Retirees, Office of the Dean for Student Affairs

Mabel Bowles
MIT Family Member

"A good friend"

Edward H. Bowman
Sloan School of Management
Herbert S. Bridge
Kavli Institute
Space Center and Physics
Carol Ann Campbell
Health Sciences and Technology Program

"Very dedicated to HST"

James W. Coleman
Graphic Arts

"A wonderful man!"

Officer Sean A. Collier
MIT Police

"In memory and honor of Officer Sean Collier, MIT Police, for giving his life in the line of duty"

Robert Corby
Lincoln Laboratory

"An excellent electronics technician"

Miles Cowen
Facilities & Physical Plant

In memory of those from Physical Plant who have passed.

Hugh Darden
Resource Development

"A true gentleman."

Peter T. Demos

Physics Department
Director of Bates Lab
Former Director of Lab for Nuclear Science

Gerald P. Dinneen
Lincoln Laboratory

Director of Lincoln Laboratory

Ted Doan
Facilities & Physical Plant

In memory of those from Physical Plant who have passed.

Mildred Dresselhaus
Institute Professors

In memory of Millie Dresselhaus, Institute Professor, Dept. of Physics.

Robert E. Durland
Office of the Vice President for Finance
Eleanor V. Egan

Brian's mother, and MIT Retiree.

John F. Elliott
Materials Science and Engineering

"Kept in close touch with students all over the world"
"For many years of teaching"

Mim Engelson
MIT Family Member
Cecilia Enos
MIT Family Member
Richard Ericson
MIT Family Member
Howard D. Faulkner
Lincoln Laboratory
Jack Fischer '59, Course 15.

"My dad <3"

Woodie C. Flowers
Mechanical Engineering

2.007 (Design and Manufacturing), Mechanical Engineering

FIRST National Robotics Engineering Competition

Frank A. Folino
Lincoln Laboratory

"An excellent Mechanical Engineer"

Richard Gaple
Lincoln Laboratory
Paul E. Gray
MIT President Emeritus

Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
"Walking on campus, hand in hand with Priscilla! Two special human beings!"
"What a great guy he was! I miss him!"
"Advisor and friend"

Gerald Griffin
MIT Family Member

In memory of Gerald Griffin.
"A wonderful husband"

Ivano Guastucci
MIT Family Member
Robert Hagopian
Resource Development

"Dedicated MIT Alumnus and fundraiser"

Morris Halle
Linguistics and Philosophy

In memory of Morris Halle, Institute Professor, Dept. of Linguistics.

Donald Harleman
Civil and Environmental Engineering

Water Resource Lab
Director, Parsons Laboratory
Ford Professor of Civil Engineering

Robert A. Heavern, Jr.
Draper Laboratory
Karen Henneberry
MIT Family Member
David J. Hogarth
Information Systems and Technology
Willard R. Johnson
Political Science

In memory of Dr. Willard Johnson, Emeritus, Dept. of Political Science

Gloria Johnson

In memory of Gloria M. Johnson.

J. Samuel Jones
Student Financial Services
Charles Kanigel
MIT Family Member
Prof. James Keck
Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Charles E. Kolb

Atmospheric Science